
Welcome to Manopause--one man's experience of mid-life changes and the wild and wacky world of ageing gracefully. Bring your cane and join me here every day for another dose of levity and linament.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Plight of the Most Interesting Man

If anyone has impacted the status of the older male of late, it has to be the Dos Equis man.  Or, as he is known in his commercials, "the most interesting man in the world."

Now here's a guy with charm, intelligence, and beer.  And despite the fact that he's gray, he's still getting women to take notice. 

This is pure fantasy, of course.  No old fart actually kayaks out of an airplane, plays cricket in the Australian outback, or lives with a cougar (not that kind, anyway!).  The marketeers are having a heyday with this chap.  My hunch is that many older men are drinking more because of him, but all they are getting is bigger bellies.

The plight of the older man can't be solved with alcohol consumption.  Beer might chase his depression with a shot of opportunity, but in the end he's back to square one and living in the same old hovel with his pigeon-toed wife. 

Still, we should thank the most interesting man in the world for making our lives, well . . . more interesting.  We begin to think: perhaps women do see something in us that still causes a stirring of the loins or a welcoming smile; perhaps we should retrieve the baseball cleats from the garage and make a run around the bases, or at least try to get to third base for a triple; perhaps we've still got a little more zip in the zipper.

Naaahhh!  You'll pull a hammie!  Better sit this one out and go back to being the boring stooges God created us to be.  Intersting just isn't enough once you hit manopause.  As the fellow in the commercial implies (it's all sub-text):  you'd better have money

Staying thirsty is only half the battle.

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