
Welcome to Manopause--one man's experience of mid-life changes and the wild and wacky world of ageing gracefully. Bring your cane and join me here every day for another dose of levity and linament.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Yes, Butt . . . .

Most men like to think that they are working their butts off.  This is a man's prerogative.  And it's difficult to do.

Working your butt off requires complete dedication and long hours.  A man might start with lots of butt, but if he's dedicated, he can work his butt off in a few years.  In fact, others might notice that he's working his butt off long before he does.  Usually it's other men who say, "Man, you're really working your butt off!" or "You worked your butt off on that project."

Once a man works his butt off, however, he will want to keep it off.  And the only way to keep it off is to continue working his butt off.  He will want to work weekends, holidays, overtime.  Whatever it takes.  If he has a family he will want to inform them that, while he is sorry if they feel neglected or abandoned, it is imperative that he work his butt off.  After all, his family should be supporting him while he is working his butt off.  He will show love for his family by working his butt off. 

Men who work their butts off are assets to their communities, too.  People all over town will notice and say, "No one works his butt off like this guy!"  Or if the man is involved in athletics, the coach will take note and say, "He's really working his butt off out there!"  A baseball manager will note: "He's coming around this season and starting to work his butt off!"  Sometimes the boss will give a man a bonus and say, "This is for working your butt off."

Men who have worked their butts off are easy to identify.  They have, after all, worked their butts off.  They are rather one-dimensional. 

Men, however, should never tell a woman, "Gosh, you've worked your butt off!"  This would not be appropriate and could get him into trouble.  Even if his wife were to ask, "Does this dress make my butt look big?", he can't respond by saying, "Are you kidding me?  You've worked your butt off!"  She would never believe that she's worked her butt off, even if she's taking care of seventeen children and has spent an entire week painting the house in ninety-degree heat . . . she would never say, "I worked my butt off this week."  Women don't like to admit that they have worked their butts off.  Women are concerned about their butts, of course, but they don't want anyone to think they have worked their butts off.  This would be drawing attention to their butts, which women don't like to do.  But in private they might actually think, "Geewhiz, I wish I could work my butt off!"

Men have a penchant for working their butts off.  They like to think that they are working their butts off, even if they are not working their butts off.  But they would never look in the mirror and say, "Holy Cow!  I've worked my butt off!"  However, they might say to another guy, "You may not realize this . . . but you are working your butt off!"

Of course, one good thing a man can say about working his butt off is that he's actually accomplished something.  It may be the only thing he ever achieves in his lifetime. 

Butt . . . if he keeps working . . . . 

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